SkinPen microneedling is an ideal treatment option for those with mild to moderate facial cosmetic concerns. You’ll enjoy exciting results with minimal downtime impacting your personal schedule.
When to Consider SkinPen Microneedling
SkinPen microneedling is likely an ideal treatment option for anyone with mild to moderate skin concerns that haven’t been adequately addressed by basic skincare routines or less targeted facials. Whether you’re dealing with persistent acne scars, early signs of aging, or a generally lackluster texture, SkinPen offers you a practical, minimally invasive way to enhance your complexion.
This therapy can also serve as a complement to many of the other rejuvenating procedures we offer, helping you maintain and extend the benefits of laser treatments, chemical peels, or injectables. Be sure to ask your provider about this option during your initial consultation so they can help you explore the other treatments that we offer and the ways they will create comprehensive results.