One of our most common laments? “My neck!” In our arsenal is Botox, a well-known and effective treatment for reducing neck lines, often referred to as “turkey neck”. By relaxing the neck muscles that contribute to the appearance of wrinkles and pronounced lines, Botox helps to create a more lifted and youthful neck profile. When injected into the neck “cords”, Botox prevents muscle contraction, smoothing the skin and improving overall appearance. Results can be seen as early as 48 hours after treatment and typically last three to six months. The procedure can be safely repeated as needed.

Depending on the severity of wrinkles and desired outcome, the optimal treatment can vary significantly. For individuals with pronounced wrinkles and noticeable neck laxity, Ultherapy is often the preferred choice. This non-invasive procedure stimulates collagen production, leading to a lifting and tightening effect that can address deeper wrinkles and sagging skin. In some cases, combining Ultherapy and Botox can offer the best outcome, addressing both static and dynamic wrinkles for a comprehensive rejuvenation of the neck and shoulders.

Ultimately, the ideal treatment plan depends on individual needs and goals. Book your always-free, no-obligation appointment with one of our experts so we can determine the most effective approach for for your desired outcome.

>>>Learn more about “TrapTox”. (Botox for the Trapezius)

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