There’s nothing good about a double chin except for one thing — the satisfaction you feel after you’ve gotten rid of one. This accomplishment becomes all the more challenging as we get older, even with diet and exercise. Enter Kybella, which destroys fat cells under the chin and in so doing improves your facial profile overall, regardless of the amount of fullness you had to start with.
Kybella Dissolves Fat Under the Chin
Kybella is the first U.S. FDA-approved injection for dissolving fat under the chin; it comes from the same company that makes Botox, and here’s one general thing the two have in common: While they both produce great results, the effects don’t show up overnight. But if you persevere and keep coming back for treatments, you see continued improvement over time.
During consultations with patients about Kybella, we explain that it takes at least three injections to get good results.
Check out the product literature, and you see the actual recommendation is three to six treatments. Pay attention to the best of the before-and-after photos, and you notice that the most compelling contrasts just so happen to appear among those who went in for six treatments. Furthermore, where there are before-and-after images for six treatments, you might not see any contrast show up at all until the third one in the series.
We point all of this out to you because of a disconnect we’re seeing and hearing about: Patients have had a tendency to lose patience with Kybella. They come in for one treatment but neglect to return for at least two more, let alone six. We end up having to make follow-up calls to remind them to come back — once they do make it to the third-through-sixth treatment, they are always glad they did.
So what are you waiting for? Come in for a free consultation to learn whether Kybella is right for you.