5 Surprising Habits of People Who Age Well, by our Marin location Lead Clinical Esthetician, Allison Quistgard, LE.
From Marin Magazine, January 2019 Issue.
1. Reach Out – make quality connections, participate in activities
2. Do Nothing – “Leave that smartphone at home and walk in nature, take a bath, listen to music or curl up on the couch with a good book. Whatever your choice, allow yourself the downtime your body needs.”
3. Go Blue – adopt the lifestyle of “Blue Zones” such as Okinawa, Japan or Ikaria, Greece.
4. Just Move – “Exercise slows the aging process and helps maintain immune function and cardiovascular health.”
5. Keep Learning – travel, play, study
Make your appointment with Ali in Marin online or by calling 415-464-8801. See her for her famous custom facials, dermaplaning, microdermabrasion, clinical-grade peels, microneedling, and CoolSculpting. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Ali is the founder of Sprigandglow.com